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0 out of 20 remains
I miss her
we might die tomorrow
sometimes we look death in the eye
you know what I want
I’ve got nowhere to be
talking to the forest
Wondering If I'm Worth Anything
Coming Out of Hiding (From Myself)
do you even really love me
to Armenia!
justice for nub
horse girl
damn I really wish I was in that reality
I have come unto you
time is not your healer
smoking on your top 5 tonight
Feeling (Like a Clown as of Late)
I Can Kill You if You'd Like
the bull is on top of us
I healed myself a long time ago
I’ll be dining in tonight
who’s a good boy
do you have something for me
hades and persephone
Finally Happy
With My Head Above Minimum Wage
her eyes were like immovable weights